Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy 21st!

Happy Birthday to Me
Happy Birthday to Me
Happy Birthday to Meeee
Happy Birthday to Me!

I am now an "official" adult. Wow I feel old! I've been on this earth for over two decades! I have been out of high school for almost three years, a serious writer for nine years, and a confirmed member of the Church for almost 13 years (I was baptized April 12 and confirmed April 13)! Golly! It's crazy beans I tell ya!

So what have I accomplished the past twenty one years? Well...
-I survived a rare disease (Henoch Schonlein Purpura)
-Broke a wrist in 8th grade
-Graduated from elementary, junior high and high school.
-I have two semesters of college under my belt (soon to be three).
-I worked at a grade school in the after school program and made a difference in those kids' lives.
-I worked at a Cub Scout Day Camp for six summers.
-I had a short lived career working at Hogi Yogi and
-I gained experience working retail at Down East Outfitters.
-I have made many friends over the years.
-I am the aunt of 8 children under the age of seven (three of which have yet to make their debut in the world and one who will be 7 in October).
-I can read German for the most part and some Japanese (Hiragana, not Kanji and very very very little Katakana).
-I have written...well...let's say LOTS of poems. Yes, LOTS and LOTS.
-I have written many short stories and ten minute plays.
-I performed as an actress in four plays, auditioned for more.
-I participated in the Day of Celebration in 2005 as a choir member.
-I helped a friend in grade school get out of an abusive home.
-I have made people laugh.
-I have loved my friends and family in spite of everything.
-I have gained a true testimony of the Gospel.
-I have read the Book of Mormon cover to cover and read the entire Doctrine and Covenants.
-I have graduated from Seminary and earned all of my credits to graduate from Institute.
-I passed my first college math class with an A.
-I played my saxophone in the Highland High Jazz Band and did awesome.
-I've had three plays that I wrote performed on stage by students.
-I've particiapted in two Play in a Day's (the most recent I was a writer and an actor).
-I've had some awesome roommates that will be my friends for life.
-I have a best friend that will stick by me for life, and longer.
-I have been active in the Church for 21 years.
-I received my Young Women's medallion.
-I shook hands with President Thomas S. Monson and talked with him.
-I made it through the deaths of loved ones, including grandparents, my aunt, my friend Courtney, and especially, my mom.
-I became better than the bratty junior high girl I used to be.
-I said goodbye to my brothers as they served missions and when two of them served two years over seas for active military duty.
-I said "welcome home" to brothers as they came home.
-I said goodbye to my sister as she left for her mission.
-I created an intensely strong bond with my sister that I used to fight with all of the time.
-I have donated blood and plasma in spite of the fact that i really honestly hate it.
-I have been hit in the head with a paint roller and didn't have to get stitches (yeah yeah!)
-I have experienced a true blue broken heart and pulled through it.
-I have gone to the temple every week this semester except for two.
-I have became friends with a girl that I initially veiwed as an opponent (she liked the same guy I did).
-I have never stopped dreaming.

I am sure there are many, MANY more things that i have accomplished in my life but I think this list is long enough.

Sometimes I think my life is boring and that it needs more spice and excitement. But, as I think abotu it all I realize that my life has been exciting enough for me and I wouldn't trade it for the world.