Tender Mercy Tuesdays

"...the Lord's tender mercies are the very personal and individualized blessings, strength, protection, assurances, guidance, loving-kindnesses, consolation, support, and spiritual gifts which we receive from and because of and through the Lord Jesus Christ."
-Elder David A. Bednar, April 2005 General Conference

For my Teachings of the Living Prophets class a few years ago we were assigned to read Elder David A. Bednar's talk "Tender Mercies of the Lord" from the April 2005 General Conference. In light of this, I have decided that every Tuesday on my blog will be Tender Mercy Tuesdays.

This page was created as a convenience to anyone (mostly me) who might want to look for specific Tender Mercy Tuesday posts that I have put up here. Below you will find a list of all the posts I have up to date.

Happy Tuesdays!

Tender Mercy Tuesdays! 09/23/2014 

Late Nights with Friends 10/08/2014


  1. A tender mercy from a week or two ago:

    It has been snowing this past month. One day I came home for lunch, like I always do, only this time when I went to pull out of my driveway to get back to work, my card got stuck. I was extremely frustrated and ready to just cry. I was going to be late getting back to work something I really didn't want to have happen.

    As I was struggling to get my car out of the rut it was in, someone with a bigger, 4-wheel drive car stopped and asked if I was stuck. I told him I was and he, along with my neighbor, helped me to get un-stuck.

    I am so grateful for their help, and willingness to do a good turn.

  2. Today's tender mercy:

    I have been alone at my apartment for the past few weeks (joys of bring theed only one in the apartment not attending classes and having to work). Some of my roommates came back Friday, and the two new girls started moving in, but last night and this morning I was alone. I wasn't too bothered since I knew they would all be back today, but it was still kinda lonely (the first few nights were the worst though). Anyway, so this morning the doorbell rang and when I opened the door I found my cousin Sarah standing there. I was SO happy top see her I probably would have screamed if it wouldn't have scared the neighborhood. Lol.

  3. Last night's tender mercy:

    This next week is Spring Break for Snow College, which means that most of my roommates will be gone either on vacation or just at home with their parents. While I am not alone in my house, the two roommates I am with I don't know very well and due to recent events, well, things are kind of awkward at our place.

    Anyways, that's not important.

    Last night I went for a drive, kind of sad at the thought of being "abandoned" this next week. I drove to Manti and parked my car at the bottom of Temple Hill. I sat and stared at the temple, thinking of things that have recently transpired in my life and of things that will be happening in the next six or seven months. As I thought about it I felt so much peace and contentment. It's been a while since I have felt that and at a time when things aren't looking so happy, it truly was a blessing. I am so very grateful for that tender mercy the Lord blessed me with, and I am grateful for the many, MANY tender mercies he has blessed me with in the last year.
