Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I Just Keep On Dreamin'

I realize it's been a while since I last wrote, so I figure I should post something. I actually might be posting a few somethings to tell you the truth. There are a few developments so...yeah...

Anywho, so this dream that I had the other night was rather interesting. To start off, I had a seven year old daughter. I don't know what happened to her dad but he wasn't around and I was dating another guy. This other guy that I was dating found out something about me (I'm not 100% sure what he found out but I have a theory which will be divulged later in this post) and he ended up leaving.

My Bishop gave me some advice on how to get through it and then he asked me if I had told my daughter yet. I hadn't, so I found her up in the hayloft of our barn (yes, we had a barn, it was awesome. :P ) and I told her what had happened. I could tell that she was upset but she didn't say anything.

A day or so later my daughter and I went to the store with an older woman that we referred to as "Granny" (I'm thinking she was the neighborhood grandma or something like that). While we were there I was holding my daughters hand but something was wrong. I asked if she was okay and in return she asked me if it was alright for her to be mad.

"Yeah," I told her, understanding what she was talking about. "It's okay to be mad."

"Is it okay if I'm mad at you?"

It hurt to hear her say that, but I would rather her be angry at me than herself for what had happened. So I told her, "Yes, that's alright." She let go of my hand and went to Granny then. The older woman touched my arm and gave me a look that asked if I was alright. I waved her off, not wanting to discuss it.

The dream jumped then, and I found myself with a family that could do magic. I was younger than in the beginning of the dream, so I am assuming that the following events occurred before the preceding ones. Just a theory. Anyways back to the dream. the family I was with consisted of a mother, father, grandmother, two daughters, and three sons. The children were all about 14 and younger, maybe 13. I was living with them and was in a way an honorary member of the family.

There was another girl, Adrien, who had also been an honorary member of the family. However, she had betrayed them. See there was this bad guy that wanted to capture the family, I'm not sure why, and Adrien had been working for him.

Well, something happened and the bad guy apparently got a hold of me and was forcing me to do what Adrien had done, or at least finish the job. I don't know what leverage he had (at first I wondered if it had something to do with my daughter, but after realizing that the events of this dream had not occurred chronologically, that idea went out the window) but it was pretty good because I was actually trying to do what he said. Either that, or I was a traitor from the beginning but being with the family was changing my mind. I don't know, I kind of got dropped in the middle of the story.

But anyways, I was supposed to capture this family that I had been staying with and Adrien was supposed to help me. We got to the apartment late at night. The father of the family was up on the second floor working (I believe) and everyone else was getting ready for bed. I checked to see if the family was actually there and as I checked one of the little girls saw me. At least, she saw something outside of the apartment. She started coming towards the door and so Adrien and I hid.

Just then the woman in the apartment next to the family came to the door. Adrien disappeared down the hall and I went over to the neighbor girl, pretending to be someone else. She invited me in and that's when I made my move. See this woman's apartment had a door that connected to the apartment I needed. As I stood there in the apartment, weighing my options and trying to figure out what to do about this woman whose home I had just invaded, the thought came to me that I could take her out but I chose not to. She wasn't my objective and I didn't want to kill her. Instead I used my own magic to simply knock her unconscious.

Adrien decided to show up at that point and she gave me a funny look for not getting rid of the woman. I explained to her that she wasn't the target and that killing her would just cause us more trouble. I then told her to move the woman somewhere out of the way. She did as she was told and then I went to the connecting door and opened it ever so slightly.

The door opened up to a hallway. There was an open door to my left and I could see the little girl sound asleep in her bed. I could feel the pang of guilt at the knowledge of what I was about to do but quickly shook the feeling away. At the end of the hall was a large bed which belonged to the grandmother. The hallway light was out, and the elderly woman's eyesight wasn't the greatest, but she noticed that there was something going on and she called for the matriarch of the family. Before I could get caught, I quickly closed the door and went to hide in the kitchen of the other apartment (once again, Adrien was M.I.A.).

The mother of the family came into the apartment and began her search for me. I held my breath, praying she wouldn't see me but knowing that if I didn't act she would. So once again I used my magic and attacked her, not too badly though (I really didn't want to hurt her).

Thankfully the apartment was dark enough that she had no idea who it was and I now had the opportunity to get out of the apartment and leave the building. As I stood next to the mother she muttered, "My husband knows something is wrong and he's on his way down."

Not wanting to get caught (as I said, I was torn between what I was supposed to do and the fact that I had grown attached to the family) I hurried out of the apartment. I made a right down the hall and then a left at the next hoping that I would find that snot Adrien who abandoned me during this whole thing. I found her sitting around in a dining hall. Angry, but still desperate to get out, I grabbed her arm and told her we had to leave.

When we had planned this operation we had pointed out two exits aside from the main door. One was close to where we were but a set of stairs leading to the second floor was close to that exit. If the father of the family came down those stairs then we would be caught. I hesitated for a moment and it was lucky that I did because next thing I knew the man was at the bottom of the stairs and heading our way.

I shoved Adrien in the other direction, telling her to run faster. That's when I noticed she was wearing stillettos. Who in their right mind wore stillettos on a mission like this!? I just prayed we'd get out in time. I looked back to see if the father had noticed us and watched as he ran past us and down the hall. Then he slowed down and I knew he had at the very least seen Adrien. If he saw me with her he would know something was wrong. I tried to make her go faster but it wasn't working.

So, not wanting to get caught and have to face the family, I made myself wake up.

It was an interesting dream because I have never played a "bad guy" in a dream before.

Now, as to that theory about why the guy at the beginning of the dream left. If I'm right, and both parts of this dream went into the same story and what happened with Adrien came first, then I think that whole thing had something to do with why he left, whether it was the fact I could do magic or something that happened between these to parts of the story.

Being a writer, it's no surprise that I dream in stories... Lol. :D