Thursday, May 9, 2013

We're All Beautiful

Our society today places a great deal of emphasis on beauty, particularly physical beauty. We are constantly bombarded with television commercials, billboards, magazine ads, etc that tell us "Try our product and you'll have perfect skin" or "Use our toothpaste and you'll have beautiful white teeth." I mean, how many commercials related to physical appearance and beauty do you see just in the hour you are watching your favorite television show? I haven't sat down and counted -- yet -- but I'm sure it's more than we may think.

Every day people around the world, men and women alike, are told they need to be a little skinnier, a little taller, a little shorter, have whiter teeth, longer or shorter hair, bigger or smaller boobs/muscles/butts. The question I have is, why?  Why do I need to have bigger boobs to feel good about myself? Why do I have to wear contacts instead of glasses to look prettier? Why do I need to be taller, skinner, more revealing in my clothing, to be beautiful?

The correct answer is, I don't.

What? But Stephanie, how will you ever get a date if you aren't skinny? You want to get married, right? How will you ever find a boyfriend, much less a husband, if you don't have perfect hair, teeth, skin, and just an overall perfect body? How can you ever love yourself?

If you're wondering, yes, these questions have run through my mind hundreds, thousands of times in my life. Those days when I see my friends posting cute pictures of themselves with their boyfriends/girlfriends/husbands/wives/fiances on Facebook, when I read that yet another of my friends or family members will be bringing a new life into this world, and those days when a guy that I like chooses someone else, these thoughts run through my head:

I'm ugly. I'm too fat, too short, my clothes aren't right, my teeth aren't white enough, my smile is funny looking, my thighs too big, face too round, eyebrows too thick, eyes not big enough, lips too small or chapped. I'm just not pretty enough.

But do I stop there? Oh no, once I get on board the pity train I could go for miles.

I'm weird, I laugh to loud, my laugh is awful and annoying, I'm not smart enough, I am not a good enough writer, I'm and awful friend, sister, aunt, daughter, co-worker. I don't update my blog like I should, I don't say enough nice things to people, if I had been a better friend then (blank) wouldn't have done (blank) and ended up in the sad situation that they are in. I am not enough. I am alone because I am not enough. 

I am worthless.

Ever happened to you? Still happen to you? I'm pretty sure everyone in this world has had or will have a moment, if not several, where circumstances in their lives lead them to these thoughts.Well guess what? I'm here to tell you, to tell everyone, that they're all lies. You are not worthless. You are not ugly.


Kyla and Kayla

These are two of my best friends. No, they are not related, they have never met each other. And no, I didn't purposely pick best friends with similar names. It just happened. :)

Kyla and I met when we were about 11. We were in the same Ward and we lived just down the street from each other. Kyla is my best friend. She stood by me through so many trials it isn't even funny. She was there the night my mom died and did what she could to get the word out to my other friends so that they could support me as well. She was there for me even when we'd had a huge fight. She believes in me and I believe in her. Time and distance will never change that. She cares deeply for those around her and she will fight for them. Always.

Kayla and I met three years ago at college. She was the poor unsuspecting Freshman and I was the older, used-to-college-life student happy to make a new friend. She was so quiet, I honestly thought she didn't like me. Seriously, I was chattering away while we were walking to church that first Sunday and she just quietly nodded and gave a few responses. I really didn't know what to think. Well, I am proud to say I "broke" her within a week and we quickly became best friends. She is kindhearted (even if she doesn't think so), smart, and she loves the people closest to her. She's not one to be judgmental.

These are two of the most beautiful women I have ever met.

This is my cousin, Sarah. She is a year older than me but we had some great times together as kids, and some even better times at college as adults. She is kind, caring, and shows genuine concern for all living things (plant, animal, and human). She has an incredible ability to see the good in people and to look at things in a positive light, despite hardships that she has faced.

She is among the beautiful women I know in my life.

Left to Right: Ty Lynn, Maddy, Amanda, Vanessa, Jennifer, Nessa, Me

My sisters. What amazing women they are!

Jennifer is the oldest of us girls in the Featherstone clan. She is married with three beautiful children and a husband in the Army. She is one of the strongest women I know. I've watched as she has raised her children in a world less appealing than the one we grew up in. I've seen her strength as she supports her husband while he is away from home serving our country. I've seen her exercise faith in God as she faced the trials that life threw at her.

Nessa. She has been through more in her life than I think I could ever have the strength for. She has a determination that could put political leaders to shame. She fights for those she cares about, and she loves helping people. She has had her fair share of struggles, and I know she doubts her ability at times. But I also know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that she is an incredible woman, and that she's going to move mountains someday.

Amanda is my baby sister (despite being taller than me...cursed genes...). She loves to laugh and while she can be silly, she can also be very serious and give some of the best advice I've ever had. She has an incredible amount of faith and I am always amazed at how easily it comes to her. She has had her moments, as all of us do, but she is strong and I admire her for that.

This is my sister Bethany.


She and I went to school together pretty much our whole lives until we got to college! She was serving an LDS mission when our mom passed away. She had the strength and courage to stay in the field and see her mission through to the end. She is dedicated, hard working, caring, and very smart. She and her husband are expecting a baby this fall and I know she will make an amazing mom!

Ty Lynn, Vanessa, and Kara (unfortunately not featured in the picture above and not in any pictures I presently have...) are my sisters in law, but that doesn't change how amazing they are! Ty and Vanessa are amazing mothers with big hearts, and Kara has stuck with my brother James through a lot. I am grateful to have them all in my life!


This is my older sister Maddy. She was born with downs syndrome. She is one of my absolute favorite people in the whole stinkin' world! She laughs easily, loves to tease, loves to give and get hugs, can always bring a smile to my face, and loves unconditionally. She is an angel, of that I have no doubt. She will not judge you because of what you do, how you look, or what you believe. She is a living example of te pure love of Christ in my life, and I am so grateful I have been blessed to call her my sister.

This is my mom. She had a kind, caring heart. She loved seeing the good in people, and she always believed in those she cares for, particularly her husband and kids. She had diabetes, which led to other health issues, but that didn't stop her from doing good in the world. She served the young boys in our neighborhood as a Cub Scout Leader and served the children in our ward as a Primary President. She loved unconditionally and was not afraid to show you that love. Her simple faith brought me strength so many times. She taught me so much about life and how to treat others, not by instruction alone, but by example. She had a knack for crafts and was always working on something for someone. She lived her life right to the last moment.

I want to add another beautiful woman to this list. My step mom, Betty. She and my dad have been married for almost two years, and I can honestly tell you she is wonderful. She is humble, loving, and caring. She is so willing to give love to her step children, even if she doesn't have to. She has taken care of my dad and my sisters when she didn't have to. And for that, I am grateful.

These women are beautiful.

These beautiful, incredible, amazing women I have shared with you today may not be the next Angelina Jolie or Beyonce, but they are beautiful. They are beautiful because of hearts, their spirits. The good that they put into the world and the love they share with those around them.


This is me. I love writing and I love sharing it with others. I love to help people, love to make people smile. I am fun loving, easy going, and I care about all those around me. I will always care about the people that have meant something to me, even if I don't mean as much to them anymore. I love my family and would give almost anything to ensure their eternal well being and happiness. I love my friends, and I am grateful for the influence they have had on my life. I am kind, smart, caring, loving, talented, and above all else, I'm the daughter of a Heavenly Father, who believes in me, knows me, and in spite of my many faults and the mistakes that I have made, loves me more than anything!

While my main focus was on women, guys, you are important too. You're just as special, just as precious, just as incredible. We are all important, special, precious, and of great worth. Nothing we do or say will ever diminish that worth.

We're all beautiful!!!