Monday, August 29, 2016

A Letter

Dear             ,

I have something to tell you.  It's something that I have been trying to ignore, to forget about.  Something that, once it's said, will change everything.

I am in love with you.

I wish I could say that I loved you ever since the moment I first saw you.  But, that's not true.  In fact, I was surprised that I didn't swoon over you the first time I saw you.  Normally a guy like you would have automatically made it onto my "radar" but for whatever reason, you didn't.

It was the little things that made you stand out.  Saying "Hi" to me whenever we'd see each other.  The times when you stop and talk with me about what's going on in your life, even though we both have somewhere else we really should be.  The way your eyes light up when you are really truly happy.  The times you sat with me when I was alone, or came over and talked to me when nobody else would.  Teaming up with me to play a game I had never even heard of, and even going a second round with me.  The fact that you don't treat my roommate any different just because she has different opinions, views, and religious beliefs.  Seeing you accomplish your goals and dreams, the joy that you feel with each accomplishment.  These are only some of the things that have made me fall for you.

I know, you are already seeing someone else.  I know you are only interested in being friends.  But I had to say something.  Because in the next year or so things will change.  You'll move on, one way or another you'll move along with your life.  You'll be gone, and chances are when you leave, this friendship that we have will diminish, dissipate, like so many of my other friendships.  You'll be gone, and I'll be left behind to pick up the pieces of the broken heart I am doomed to be dealt.

I'm not trying to win your heart, nor is this letter meant to be that of a brokenhearted girl who doesn't know how else to express herself but through writing.  I am writing this because I think it is important for you to know that I am completely, hopelessly in love with you.

Chances are you'll never see this letter, never know that it's for you.  Even if you do see it you probably won't know that you're the one I'm talking to.  Because in your mind we are only friends, and it would be silly for you to think of us as anything more.

But if, by some miracle, you do see this letter, and you figure it out, please don't hate me, and don't feel sorry for me.  Just know that I am grateful to have you in my life, to love you, even if you don't love me back.

Is that strange?  To be happy loving you, even though I know you will likely never feel the same way?  Maybe it is strange, maybe it's completely abnormal.  But, even if it is strange, abnormal, it's still true.  I love you, so much, and I wouldn't trade the time I have spent with you, falling in love with you, for anything in the world.  Ever.

I hope that you continue finding success in your life, that you find joy in your work and that one day you find that special someone who you want to spend the rest of your life with.  I hope she loves you back, and that she never takes for granted all of the wonderful things that you are.  And I hope I can continue being a witness to all of the amazing things that transpire in your life.

All my love.