Monday, October 10, 2016

Why I Like Kayla

About a week and a half ago, I got a text message from my Best Friend stating that she had been given a homework assignment to find out why it is that I like her.  I agreed and, because of who I am as a person, decided to write my thoughts in the form of a letter.  Okay, so it's more like a short essay masquerading as a letter. 

The letter is addressed to the person who gave her the assignment, however, I knew it was highly unlikely that they would actually read it because, knowing who gave her the assignment, it was more for Kayla's benefit than the other person's. 

I have chosen to share that letter here because I want everyone to know what it is that makes me like Kayla.  Why it is that she is my best friend.  Plus, I am very proud of this literary piece of work. ;-)

If you are fortunate enough to have a best friend, whether it's someone you've known since childhood, a family member, or a friend who has recently come into your life, I would encourage you to let him or her know just how much they mean to you, how special they are to you.  They deserve to know, and you deserve to tell them.

Here it is, my short-essay-masquerading-as-a-letter about my best friend, Kayla.



September 29, 2016
Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is Stephanie.  I am Kayla’s best friend, and she is mine.  It was brought to my attention yesterday via text message that you have assigned Kayla with the task of discovering why it is that I like her.  Understanding the value of such an assignment, and always on the lookout for an opportunity to brag about my amazing best friend, I was happy to offer my complete cooperation in this matter.
“Do you need it in writing?  Is a blood signature required?” I asked, to which she promptly responded with, “You can write it if you want to.  And yes, a blood signature is required.”
Never being one to shy away from the chance to put my love of writing to work, I spent the remainder of my day thinking about the assignment, and today, I have pieced together what I hope to be an adequate response to the question at hand.
So, why do I like Kayla?  To be honest, I have never really thought about the “why” of our friendship.  We met six years ago in college.  It was Kayla’s first semester as a freshman, and it was my fourth semester living away from home, enjoying the life of a college student.  She was very quiet that first Saturday when she moved in.  I remember sitting in my room getting settled and she came to ask me what time church was.  That was the first, and only interaction we had that day I think.  We may have done something else with one of our other roommates.  I don’t really remember.
The next day we walked to church together.  I, being the person that I am, happily chatted away at her, asking several questions about her likes, her major, all of the things you ask a brand new roommate.  Her answers weren’t too detailed, never giving more information than was absolutely necessary.  It was like a cat person that walked into a room with a happy, energetic, lovable chocolate lab puppy (three guesses which of us was the puppy, and the first two don’t count).  Eventually we fell into a bit of an awkward silence and, honestly, I thought maybe she didn’t like me, that maybe I had annoyed her with my insistent chattering and friendly interrogation.  But, in spite of our awkward beginnings, it only took me a week to break through her shell, and after that there was no turning back.
Kayla is hilarious.  I cannot begin to list all of the funny things she has said or done, there are so many.  She has made me laugh to the point of stomach aches and near tears, something that didn’t happen all that often until we met.  Seriously, I have probably had just as many gut busting laughing fits in the six years we’ve known each other as I did in the twenty-one years before I met her, maybe even more.  We laugh about all kinds of things, and sometimes we laugh about absolutely nothing.
Kayla is so smart.  She is an excellent problem solver, and can see things that other people would totally miss.  She knows a lot about many things, and some about even more things.  Just enough to make her dangerous. ;-)
We both love superheroes, particularly those of the Marvel variety, and we both have a love for Supernatural, Sherlock, Merlin, Firefly, Ouran High School Host Club, and many other wonderful fandoms.  We can sit down and watch an action movie, chick flick, Disney film, spiritually uplifting, or an anime and neither one of us will feel like we had to “settle” for something we didn’t really want to watch anyway.
We’ve had many adventures together.  Late night Denny’s runs, day trips to visit with friends, Disneyland twice (which was a total blast, by the way), and this year we even braved our own campout experience.  But, to be honest, every moment can be an adventure with Kayla.
If the story of how our friendship began isn’t enough of an inclination, I am a talker.  That’s not to say that conversations between Kayla and I are mostly one-sided.  Often times she steers and dominates the conversation.  But I do like to talk, about any and everything almost.  In spite of my carrying on about things, even things that are completely random and have absolutely zero relevancy to either of our lives, she still listens.  She listens to me go on about a new show that I watched, or a book that I read that is just killing me, even if it’s not really something that she is all that interested in.  I can tell her my story ideas and get constructive criticism from her about them.  I can talk to her about my thoughts and feelings regarding issues that are important to me, whether or not they have value to her, and she listens.  I could go on and on about guys that I liked, and she would listen patiently, to the good and the bad, and never once criticized me for my choice in guys, nor would she try to discourage me from pursuing a guy that I really liked.
She puts up with my shenanigans.  Yeah, no real need to elaborate I think.  J
She gets along with my family, which is a big deal considering they are a HUGE part of my life, and has even become a welcomed addition to it.  At those times when my family is just driving me crazy, she is there to listen to my thoughts and feelings, and gives me the support I need to get over it.
There have been a lot of things in my life that weren’t easy to deal with.  Some of them, like losing my mom, happened before Kayla and I ever met, and they came with some baggage, especially losing my mom.  Kayla never questioned it, never told me to just “get over it” or to “move on” or whatever.  She accepted me and all the baggage that came with me, and even offered to carry a bag or two if needed.
These are the things I like about Kayla, the things that have shaped my friendship with her.  But, what’s the why?  What is it that makes these things about her so appealing and likeable to me?  Looking back over it, evaluating and processing it all in my mind, I figured it out.
She makes me happy. 
I can be myself with her and she’ll never leave me for it. 
I can be my “20 kinds of crazy” and most of the time she’ll join in, and for those times when I’m just being crazy on my own, she sticks around, never judging or criticizing the things that make me, me. 
She makes me feel important in the world, that my existence matters.  In the past there were times when I wanted to just run away, to leave everything behind me and not look back.  She helps me want to stay. 
She isn’t just my friend, she’s a sister, a kindred spirit that I have been lucky enough to not only cross paths with, but to stick with and to live life with.  She is the Watson to my Sherlock, the Dianna to my Anne, the Sam to my Frodo and the Merlin to my Arthur.  And I thank God every day for the blessing of having her in my life.
I honestly can’t imagine my life without her.  Actually, I can, and it would be a much bleaker one.  My world would be less without her.  True story.
And so, dear sir or madam, this is why I like Kayla.  This is why she is, and always will be, my absolute best friend.  I would like to thank you for giving her this assignment, because while it’s no secret that the two of us are best friends, I don’t tell her enough just how much she means to me, how valuable she is, and how critical she is to my happiness, to my existence.
Thank you.

AKA Kayla’s Best Friend

P.S.  Please forgive my choice to refrain from meeting the requirement of a blood signature.  It really is quite unsanitary. 


Have a great day everyone!