Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Finals Week and Graduation

So last week was Finals. My first final was Oceanography, the one that I was most worried about. I got a D in that class, but it still counts for credit and towards graduation (woot woot!). That was Tuesday. Wednesday was my Human Biology lecture final which I got 194/200. Yeah yeah! Thursday was my last final, Mat 1050, which I passed. I found out also that I got an A in Human Bio (both the lab and the lecture) as well as in Bowling (which let's be honest, isn't that hard). My final grade for Math 1050 was a C-, not too bad.

Graduation was fun. My roommate Connie and I stayed up late (all night actually) watching the new Knight Rider series (and by new I mean the 2008 series). We went to the graduation breakfast just before eight o'clock Saturday morning and enjoyed some french toast, eggs, hashbrowns, and sausage. Mm mm mm! We then went back to the apartment for our caps and gowns then returned to the student center. We stood there waiting for who knows how long before they finally got us all out of the building and ready to start the processional march.

The march took longer than I would have liked (I was tired, wearing heels, and they were making me stand outside waiting for something. I threatened to eat someone...ugh...) but a cool part about it was when we reached the AC a bunch of the faculty and staff were lined up on either side clapping and cheering for us. It was also cool to come into the gym and see all of the parents and families standing for us. I looked around and found Betty and my Dad, along with Maddy and Amanda. Later my Dad told me that he didn't recognize me (I curled my hair).

It was weird to sit down amongst all of the graduates. In high school I spoke at my graduation so I was on the stage with the other speakers, looking out over the graduates and the audience. This time, I was actually sitting among them. It was neat. :)

Our commencement speaker was a guy from Juliard that works with the college music program. I can't remember all of what he said, but he had a great sense of humor and he was really inspiring (he talked about doing what you can to help others and giving back to the world).

As we were sitting there listening to all of the speakers it hit me. I was graduating from college. After all of this was over, I would have a degree in Theater Performance. I turned to Connie and told her that and she was like, "Yeaah..." and kinda gave me a funny look like Duh Steph. I knew it was happening, but it didn't do that whole hit-you-in-the-face realization until then. It was crazy.

Waiting for my turn to walk across the stage took FOREVER! At least, it felt like forever until my row was finally able to stand up. Then it all went by rather quickly. I kept praying that I wouldn't trip in my heels. no worries though, I was able to get across without humiliating myself, thankfully. 

During the ceremony poor Connie had to use the bathroom, like REALLY bad. When the Dean stood up at the end it seemed as if his speech slowed down as time dragged on. I kept telling Connie to just hold on a little longer because it was almost done. Finally we were able to move our tassels and it was all over. Connie scurried away to do what she needed and I located my family.

After the graduation I went with my dad, Betty, and Maddy over to the reception thing that the college was holding at the practice field. I got a free t-shirt for it too. Yeah, yeah! We then met up with two of my brothers (Steve and Daniel) and enjoyed some time together.

With graduation over (and when my siblings left) it was time to get the apartment ready for final inspections. It was stressful, as per usual, but we got it done. My roommies and I said our goodbyes (trying really hard not to cry and being less than successful). Then it was off to home.

There are a lot of things that I have learned in my three and a half years at college, academically and otherwise. I am so extremely grateful that I had the opportunity to take part in the college experience and encourage everyone that is able to do the same. I promise, it'll be well worth it. 

1 comment:

  1. Keep blogging, m'dear! I want to hear of your adventures. :)
