Thursday, July 26, 2012

One Step Closer

For as long as you can remember you've had crushes on various guys. Some of those crushes grew into deeper feelings, but never have you ever been in any kind of a serious relationship. Alright, so there was that guy you were pen pals with when you were fifteen, but that lasted probably two weeks, if that, and the two of you never actually met in person.

In the past few years you have found guys that you could very much see yourself spending the rest of your life with and being happy. You even told one of them you loved him. None of these guys have reciprocated your feelings and while you're still friends with them, that's all it is and all it will ever be, which, surprisingly, you are perfectly okay with.

Time and again you have had your heart broken and yet you still hold onto the hope that one day you'll say, "I love you" and hear the words said back to you. When you do, you'll know that he means it, as much as you do, and you'll know that all of the waiting, all of the pain and heartache from so many rejections will have been worth it. Because you found him, the one that will love you unconditionally for all eternity.

You know, even now, that you love this man more than anything. How do you know? You used to say it was because you knew you wouldn't settle for anything less. But now you wonder, is that really it? Is it possible that somehow, someway, this man, this one that you know you love, is connected to you, that the two of you have been connected for much longer than the twenty three years you've been alive?

A song plays in your mind, one that you'd never heard until just a few months ago. A Thousand Years by Christina Perri and for one reason or another the song makes your heart ache more, makes you long for him. It's horrible, yet wonderful at the same time. Which makes you think, when it comes to love, it isn't the person per say, but more the way he makes you feel, how you feel when you are with him. That's why people, who would outwardly seem so "wrong" for each other, can be so right.

Each day that passes by you come one step closer to finding him, the man of your dreams. Not the "perfect" man (because let's be honest, there is no such man) just the man that is perfect for you. And one day, you'll meet and chances are you won't know it's him right away, but when you figure it out it'll be the best day of your life and you'll always remember it. Just keep moving, and when you get to the edge don't be afraid to fall and let love carry you away.

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