Saturday, January 5, 2013

Thanks Mom

One morning, a few months ago, I woke up and felt like puking. Ugh, sooo not cool. It was a Friday, and my last day of work for the week. I was lying in bed, trying to debate on whether or not to actually try and go to work. Eventually my pukey stomach won the debate and I called in. 

I was so unhappy. I felt sick to my stomach, I got three semi-restful hours of sleep, and, worst of all, I really wanted my mom.

Lets be honest, when you are single, on your own, and sick, you can't help but want your mom. When I was younger I remember my mom coming in to check on me every few hours, making sure I was taken care of, and even when I wanted nothing to do with food, she made sure I ate something, because a couple bites of toast, or a few sips of soup is better than an empty stomach.  

Well, feeling like I did, I really wanted my mom, so much so that I found myself silently crying. My mom passed away almost four years ago and it has been hard, particularly on days like this when I really just need a hug from her, or to hear her tell me it's okay. 

As I was crying silently to myself, an incredible thing happened. It started to rain. For those that have never met my mom, I have to tell you, she loved the rain. I remember sitting on our front porch with her, smelling the rain and watching the lightning flash.

Hearing the rain fall outside of my window, just when I was missing my mom most, was a wonderful reminder that she is still there, that she loves me, and that she will always be there when I need her. 

I think about my mom, how selfless she was, how Christ like her life was, and I feel so incredibly lucky to have been born to such an incredible woman. I feel truly honored to call her my mother, and I always will.

"Thanks Mom."

And thank you God for blessing me with her and helping me to know that I will see her again. 

Thank you.

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