Saturday, March 23, 2013

Beauty Project

Recently I was called to be the Relief Society Secretary for my Singles Ward. That in an of itself was an experience I will have to share but at a later date. Anyways, I have been assigned to teach a lesson in Relief Society at the end of next month, and I have been trying to think of what to teach about.

I have been struggling as of late with self-confidence and my own self image. Not that I have super low self confidence or image really, but I know it could be so much better. I have struggled with believing that I am beautiful and loving myself as I am. This may come as a shock to some people, mostly because I do a great job at hiding it and pretending it doesn't bother me. Do be honest, for a long time it didn't. It was just something in the back of my mind that I never really thought about. It wasn't important.

But, after my last post I decided that it was time to change. It was time for me to begin working towards that place where I can look at myself in the mirror and say, "Yes, I am beautiful and I love myself" and mean it. I mean,  I could look in the mirror all day and tell myself that, but it doesn't mean I believe it. I have several things to work on, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, but I am willing to work on them and I have every intention of making it to that place.

Thus sparked the idea for my beauty project. It began March 10 and so far I have been feeling better. Still not where I want to be, but that is alright.

My plan is to work on loving myself, work on believing that I am beautiful and that I am of value, and when the time comes, I want my lesson to those beautiful Relief Society sisters I get to teach to be about how much worth they have, how beautiful they are. I want them to know how much they are loved. And I want to share my journey with them.

To do that, I have been trying to keep a journal account of each day that I am doing this project. As many of you know, I am horrible at journal writing (about as bad as my blog updating) but I am not going to let that stop me from trying. If you make a goal and fail it just means you have to try a little harder next time. It in no way says you are incapable of doing it.

The reason I am telling all of you about this is I want to share some of my experiences with you as well. Perhaps include some excerpts from my "Beautiful Diary" that I am keeping. For now, we'll just leave it as an introduction.

Have a beautiful day everyone, because you are worth it and you deserve it!

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