Friday, June 28, 2013

Courage to Let Go

I am an avid Pinterest user. I think it's brilliant and I have not only found great fitness tips, food ideas, and other various things of interest, but I have also been able to find a number of really great quotes.

While perusing my Pinterest today, I discovered the following quote:
I found this quote to be rather interesting. Courage to let go of what you can't change. I never really thought about how courage can tie into letting something go, but as I pondered the meaning it made sense.

I think that all of us are or have been in a situation where letting go of something--or someone--was the last thing in the world we wanted to do, regardless of whether we knew it would make us happier to do so. 

Someone close to me is in a relationship with a guy who, while he isn't the worst guy in the world, he is no longer the right person for her. Maybe he was right for her five years ago, because it seemed like they both wanted the same things and therefore they were a good fit. However, over time it has become apparent that she wants to change and become a better person while he does not. Again, he is not a bad guy. He has stuck with her through some very tough times while lesser men would have walked away. It's just that they no longer want the same things. 

Multiple people have advised her that it would be best for her to move on, to let him go. However the concept of doing so just devastates her. She knows it is the right thing, but she refuses to do it and I find myself wondering, why? She knows it would be better, that she would ultimately be happier, so why? Why keep a hold of it? Why not just let it go?


Fear is a powerful weapon when it comes to discouraging us from doing what we know is right. Perhaps she is afraid that if she lets him go she'll never find another guy. Maybe she thinks that her worth is based solely on the fact that she be in this relationship (which I wholeheartedly disagree with, by the way). Or maybe it is simply the fear of how much it will hurt, how badly she will feel once it is over. 

Whatever the reason, whatever it is she is afraid of, the fact still remains that her fear is keeping her from truly moving on to where she wants to be, where she needs to be.

My first semester of college I went to a hypnotist show. At the end of the performance, the hypnotist said something that has stuck with me for five years.

"Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real."

False Evidence Appearing Real. That's all fear is, just a wolf in sheep's clothing. And once we realize and accept that, we can conquer our fear.

I have also heard that fear is the opposite of faith. I believe this to be true. Whether it's faith in a higher power or powers, or simply faith in yourself, having faith will blot out your fears every time.

So I am issuing this challenge to all of you. Take courage, and let go. Realize that your fears are not real, have faith, and press forward with your life. Choose to be happy and to let yourself be happy. It won't be easy, and it will take time (you can't retrain a lifetime of thinking overnight ya know). If things are hard just remember that everything will be alright in the end. If it's not alright, it's not the end.

Keep smiling everyone, and no matter what anyone says know that I have every faith in you to be your very best happiest self.

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