Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Late Nights with Friends

I realize this Tender Mercy Tuesday post is a day late, and I apologize for not posting last week. I have programmed my phone to remind me to post each week. Hopefully that will help. :)

This week's tender mercy happened on Friday night. My sister and I invited two of our friends over to watch Woman in Black (that movie...freaking heck... Lol). Well, they didn't get to our house until later in the evening (around 8 or so), and when they showed up we started playing Charades on my phone, rather than watching the movie. Because of this, we didn't actually start watching the movie until after 11.

After watching the movie--and having my friends laugh at my commentary throughout the movie--we just sat and chatted about everything and nothing. We were all crazy tired, which made for some ridiculous comments and lots of laughing. Finally, at almost three in the morning, we decided to call it a night and ended our little get together.

I realize this may sound like a typical Friday night hang out, in which case you are probably wondering how in the heck I can view that as a tender mercy. The tender mercy lies in being able to hang out with friends on a Friday night. It's staying up late laughing until it hurts, and going to bed not having a care in the world because you're so high on that wonderful drug called happiness. It's being with people who make you feel like you belong, regardless of how different you might be. 

I am so grateful for my friends and the good times we have had. I look forward to all of the laughs to come. :) 

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