Saturday, October 18, 2014

Thoughts/Feels of a Fangirl

Friday 10/10 8:51 am

I have been waiting all summer for the Season Three Premiere of The CW's Arrow. I was not able to watch the episode the night it aired, so I am viewing it online. This post will document my thoughts/feelings/reactions (without spoilers, I promise).

5 minutes, 14 seconds into the episode...
Ahhhh! I love it! Diggle TOTALLY knows what's up! HE HE HE!!! And, and, OLICITY!!!!!!!!!!

9 minutes, 24 seconds in...
Felicity: It, is not work. It is a soul crushing exercise in misery that offers health and dental.
Oh how I love her!! What a perfect description for some jobs that I have worked (not my present job though. I love my job right now. :D )

10 minutes in...
OMG OMG OMG!!! He asked her!!! I mean, I saw the preview, and I knew he was going to ask her, but it's even better to actually see it, to see her reaction!!! AHHH!!!

11 minutes, 43 seconds
His smile! His cute little smile of excitement for his date!!! GAHHHHHH! I just can't even right now...
I'm going to need a bigger man blender... (long story that I will have to blog about later).

14 minutes, 23 seconds
Diggle: I'm terrified.

14 minutes, 50 seconds
Love the entrance Oliver. Bravo, bravo!

Oh gosh, his face when he sees her. I just...GAH!
I wish a guy looked at me like that... :(
Focus, Stephanie. FOCUS

Felicity: And I've already seen you shirtless...multiple times...all the time...shirtless...
Oh wow Felicity. Just, WOW. :D

He remembered the pen! Oh my gosh, THE PEN!

Gosh dangit you losers! Why you gotta ruin a good thing, huh? JERKS!

Talk about beating yourself up...

Oliver, you little... ARGH!

He called him partner... *giggle*

NO! Oliver, you fracking idiot! That's the WRONG choice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You go girl!
Porcupine flatulence...heh heh heh... :D



End of the episode (the BIG thing)
I figured it would be that person.

Now on to Episode Two, as well as the first two episodes of The Flash.

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