Saturday, February 16, 2019

Confessions 3-27-18

This is a post I started on 3-27-2018 but for some reason (perhaps because of the content?) I never posted it.  As it's been almost a year since it was first written, I figured it was time to share it.

I wish I wasn't fat.

When people tell me I'm pretty I don't always believe them.

I wonder if I'm really as good at my job as I think I am.

One of my biggest fears is that I'll lose my best friend, that she will fade away like so many of my other friends.

I feel like I'm losing people close to me.

I wish my family would just love each other.

Sometimes I want to disappear.

I haven't been going to church like I should.

I hate that I'm still single.

He doesn't know I love him.

I'm only doing the online dating thing because I feel like I "should".

Sometimes I wonder why anyone would want to have anything to do with me.

I miss my mom so much.

I just want to scream.

Sometimes movies/tv shows/books give me anxiety, regardless of the fact that it's "not real".

I hate confrontation.

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