Sunday, July 31, 2011

On Being a Romantic

For quite some time now I have viewed myself as being a romantic. As a teenage girl I had what you could call unrealistic expectations for my love life. I was expecting to have the story perfect love life and I expected to have it as quickly as possible. As I grew older I learned that while romance is lovely and wonderful, life isn't always what we see in the movies or what we read in books. Shocking, I know. ;)

Now, don't get me wrong, being a romantic isn't a bad thing. It's not bad to want a good love life, to want that man that you'll be totally and completely in love with. It isn't bad to have faith in love and to hope that love will one day find you. There is nothing wrong with that at all.

Where I went wrong in my romantic antics as I like to refer to them is that while there are plenty of incredible and amazing guys out there, not all of them are Mr. Darcy, Edward Cullen (I am speaking of his personality traits, not his being a vampire mind you), Leopold, Westley, etc. The man that will make you the happiest you'll ever be isn't People Magazine's "Sexiest Man Alive". He isn't famous or even model material.

He's the one that will love you for you, the one that will look at you in the morning, messy hair, no make up, wearing your pajamas and still smile because you are the most beautiful creature alive. He is the man whose kiss isn't seeking for a good time just this once, it isn't a battle for control. It's a kiss that is deep and meaningful, one that peels away the tough guy act and shows you he is vulnerable. It's a kiss that shows he is opening his heart to you, knowing that it could break but trusting that you would do anything to protect it.

A year ago I had a conversation with my older brother about finding that right one. I had had my heart broken and while it had been months before this conversation, it still stung pretty bad. My brother told me the story of how he met his wife. It wasn't some fancy love story that would make for an epic movie one day. It was as simple as her being there when he needed a friend. After telling me the story, he said, "Sometimes the one you're looking for is standing behind the one you are looking at."

So, ladies and yes even you gentleman out there, if you're still looking for someone--now I say someone, not THE one because I believe that there are many someones that a person can love and be happy with--keep that in mind. I'm not saying to forget the ones you are looking at, but don't forget about the ones standing behind.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Parades and Clowns

Today I went to a parade. Yay! There were some awesome floats and the high school marching bands that performed were actually pretty good. Also got to see some sweet old cars with cute little old people driving them. One particular lady was super excited and waving at all of the kids sitting up in the front. She made me laugh.

There were three moto-cades that did demonstrations, a rather fascinating spectacle, especially when you realize that two of the officers are female (I wouldn't have even known if their hair wasn't hanging down their backs--they were all wearing mustaches).

The military men from our area went past as well and naturally, we all cheered for them. All of the service men and women in the parade had served at least one tour of duty, and many served two or three. It was inspiring to see all of the people standing to show their support. Loved it!

All in all the parade was fabulous. I didn't want to go at first (today was my day off, and I wanted to sleep in a little longer) but whatever. :P

Now, on to the second portion of this post: clowns. For as long as I can remember I have been frightened of them. I mean, can you really blame me after all of the horrible movies about killer clowns? Anywho, I had never really ever seen a clown in person, except for the time when Ronald McDonald came to my elementary school, and today was my first encounter.

Now, you would think that I would be less than thrilled about this experience, however, I found them rather enjoyable and I actually liked it. I must admit, however, that when Ronald McDonald came out with the McDonald's float, I was a wee bit unnerved. Honestly, I have no idea what it was, perhaps it was the full on body paint that left no room for one to see that behind it all was a normal person, maybe it was the blatantly red hair, I don't know. I have nothing against the man, in fact I am pretty sure that when he came to my school as a child I was rather thrilled to see him.

*shrug* I am just a big ball of weirdness I guess.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Blondes, Red Heads, and Brunettes

So the other day as I was riding home from work with one of my best buds, Kayla, we came to a stop light that was quite clearly RED. Next to us was a red car with three passengers and a blond driver. As the light for the oncoming traffic turned yellow, blondie next to us decided she was going to get a head start on moving through the intersection. When her car was about a third of the way through the intersection she realized that our light had not turned green (it was letting the left hand turners go first). Kayla and I commented on how annoying and inconsiderate it was for her to do such a thing. However, once we were on the move again we didn't really think about it.

Until the blond struck again...

Once blondie had crossed the intersection she moved to the far right lane. As we approached the next light blondie moved all the way over to the far left lane. And then, practically at the last second, blondie hurried over to the far right once more and barely made it onto the freeway on-ramp she was targeting.

Kayla and I were astounded. I commented that she was part of the reason why people think blonds are dumb (after all, Kayla is a blond and while she may have her "duh" moments, she's really quite smart). I wondered aloud what it was that started the whole "dumb blond" thing. I joked, saying that some brunette got burned by a guy and he left her for a blond. We entertained the idea for a moment, stating that the whole "dumb blond" theory was really just a revenge rumor, the repercussions of a woman's wrath.

We then proceeded to talk about how red heads are viewed as having hot tempers, and blonds are viewed as dumb, while brunettes really have nothing. Any comment about a brunette's intelligence is normally in correlation with one of the other two.

"Wow," Kayla said. "Brunettes are jerks!"

"We totally are!" I exclaimed, trying to hold in the laughter erupting from my mouth. "I almost feel ashamed to be a brunette."

"Yeah, I mean even people with black hair have something. You know, black hair, pale skin, people think that's beautiful."

And then it hit me. It wasn't the brunettes fault at all. It was the black hair pale skinned ones! I voiced my revelation to Kayla, explaining that while blonds and red heads had negative connotations to them, black hair and pale skin had a POSITIVE one! And since brunettes have nothing associated with him, it only SEEMED they were the culprits, but really the BHPS FRAMED THEM!!!

We laughed for the longest time.

I have nothing against blond, brunette, black hair pale skinned, or red headed people. You are all beautiful and wonderful people with the potential to do great things. This discussion was merely the result of a long day at work + those involved - our crazy filter.

Update Anyone?

So I realize that it has been over a year since I actually posted anything on this. Hmm...for someone that was so excited to get a blog, I REALLY haven't been keeping up very well! Ugh, I just need to get better at it...

Ding Ding Ding! I had a splendid idea! I am thinking of posting a story on here, little bits at a time mind you because with how I write, a full length story could take a while. I am thinking I will post a new "chapter" each week, or perhaps every two weeks, that way I can actually have some buffer time.

What do you all think? Please post your reply via comments.

Anywho, onto other things...I have been spending the past two months working at the Scout Camp again. Yay! Loads of fun. I go back to school again August 20th, which I am super psyched for. My roommates are going to be absolutely wonderful! With this being my final year before getting my Associate's Degree (TEARS!) I have every intention of making it as fabulous as I possibly can! What will I do with myself after I finish this year, you ask? I really don't know jsut yet. I may go to a school in Florida and work on getting a Bachelor's in Creative Writing, I may go to a school here and finish off my Bachelor's in Theater. I am just not sure yet. We'll see what happens! :P

Anyways, there isn't too much that I can think of to update, although I am pretty sure I will come up with something as soon as I hit "Post", knowing my luck. :D