Thursday, August 18, 2011

Kayla's Soap Opera Life

I realize that this will be my third post in the past two hours, but something has developed that I simply cannot keep to myself.

After reading my dear friend Kayla's blog and discussing the details of her life, we discovered that her life is a soap opera. She has a friend with benefits, an alien lover with whom she is going to have a baby, her mother is currently arranging for her to marry the boy next door, she cuddled with someone who is neither her friend with benefits, her lover, or her betrothed, and her mother is trying to "kill" her. Not only that, but she is already married and has cheated on her husband with his brother who is married to her best friend.

Who would've thought I'd be friends with such a drama-filled person? I mean, granted, I am pregnant with twins who are in fact half siblings because the boy is my husbands and the girl is my lovers, and my husband cheated with my best friend who is married to his brother.

Oh what a tangled web we weave...


Don't PANIC. None of the above is actually true.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Can I just say how much I love reading fanfiction? I mean, I know I am a nerd, but I have to tell you, sometimes those stories are pretty legit.

One story in particular just made my day a few days ago. I have been on an NCIS kick (Love love LOOOOVE that show and it's spin off series NCIS: Los Angeles. Chris O'Donnell, Eric Christian Olsen, Michael Weatherly, Sean Murray, Mark Harmon...GORGEOUS MEN!!! ;P ) but I don't own the series, therefore I cannot watch it. :'( Well, I can find it online, but let's face it, it's just not the same...

Anywho, so I have been on this NCIS kick and in order to fulfill my craving so to speak I started to read some fanfics. This one in particular, Lost In Translation by Emerald1 was amazing. It had plenty of drama, and then just when it's getting super serious, the author throws in something that just makes you want to laugh! ("Wow Boss, looks like a pasta factory and a computer store had a love child in here.")

Anyway, just felt like sharing... onto more productive things...

Werewolves and Girls

Yes, you read that title right. Werewolves and girls. Now what could I possibly have to say that would combine these two subjects? Well, here's the story.

So today as dad was making dinner he asked if there was anything else he should add to it. I exclaimed, "Garlic!" because honestly sometimes ya just need some garlic. I then continued to inform them about my being a fan of garlic (not too much mind you, I'd like to get a date now and then) and my sister replied with, "So you're not a vampire tonight?"

"No way dude! I'm a werewolf!"

My sister just smiled and shook her head. I made the comment that werewolves were cooler than vampires. My dad made some argument about vampires and sucking blood, to which I replied that vampires have issues all of the time where as a werewolf only has to worry about its problem during the full moon.

A thought came to me after I made this observation, a thought that I didn't hesitate to voice.

"Werewolves are like girls; they have serious issues once every month."

This naturally got a rise out of my dad and little sister. I laughed along too, telling them that it was true and that it was a pretty good comparison, one they couldn't really dispute.

So, I ask you, what else could you possibly say about werewolves and girls to make them alike?

Please feel free to comment. :P