Thursday, August 18, 2011

Kayla's Soap Opera Life

I realize that this will be my third post in the past two hours, but something has developed that I simply cannot keep to myself.

After reading my dear friend Kayla's blog and discussing the details of her life, we discovered that her life is a soap opera. She has a friend with benefits, an alien lover with whom she is going to have a baby, her mother is currently arranging for her to marry the boy next door, she cuddled with someone who is neither her friend with benefits, her lover, or her betrothed, and her mother is trying to "kill" her. Not only that, but she is already married and has cheated on her husband with his brother who is married to her best friend.

Who would've thought I'd be friends with such a drama-filled person? I mean, granted, I am pregnant with twins who are in fact half siblings because the boy is my husbands and the girl is my lovers, and my husband cheated with my best friend who is married to his brother.

Oh what a tangled web we weave...


Don't PANIC. None of the above is actually true.


  1. ha ha dude so true. But come on Dean is so much sexier than Sam, not that Sams not sexy but compared to Dean. And about the cuddling with the coworker it was a dare it was not my idea he was just to cute to resist just like I told the "friend with benefits" who was surprisingly more upset about it than I thought he would be even more so than the "husband" and "Lover" and "Alien Lover". he he

    Disclaimer: I am not married, I never cheated on my husband, the only thing I do with my friend with Benefits is flirt, I did cuddle with a coworker on a dare, and my alien baby is just my freshman 15

  2. Dean is pretty hot, and Collin is just an absolute cutie.
