Saturday, September 21, 2013

Book to Movie: I Gotta Stop Doing this to Myself...

First of all, let me apologize to my readers that have been waiting for an update. I have been horrible with my weekly updates, mostly because I have been busy and wearing myself out to the point of not wanting to be conscious when I need to blog. Since I don't have any pressing, immediate plans right now, I figured it was a good time to get to work and update.

Now, about the title of this post. Some of you may think that I am referring to the practice of amazing books being made into horrible movies. Actually, It's quite the opposite. It's amazing movies that compel me to read the books.

This summer I had the opportunity to see The Host as well as Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, both of which are books made into movies. I have been told by several people that I needed to read one or both of these books but I never really felt inclined to do so. Well, after seeing The Host I wanted to read it REALLY bad. Halfway through reading it, my friend and I saw City of Bones and once again I had another book I needed to read.

I zipped through the rest of The Host (which I absolutely loved, by the way) and I am now a little more than halfway done with City of Bones (which I am also loving).

I don't have a problem with books being made into movies. In fact, I really enjoy watching movie adaptations of my favorite books. The problem is watching a movie and then wanting to read the book when you have so many other books to read. :)

Speaking of book vs. movie, have you ever come across a movie adaptation that was better than the book? Feel free to share!

Have a fabulous day! :P

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