Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Riding the Train and Weird Conversations

When I started thinking about my #becauseimhappy project, I was planning to just post the pictures and leave it at that, occasionally add some quotes. However, I decided today that I would write an actual blog post about the pictures I took, explain what it is about that particular thing that makes me happy.

This was yesterday's photo and the caption with it:

Riding the train to work with my dad makes me happy!#becauseimhappy #beautifulmorning
A little over a month ago my car broke down. As a result I started taking the the train to work with my dad. He has to be to work an hour before I do, but I preferred getting a ride to and from the station from him, rather than walking. Plus, it's nice to ride the train with my dad.

Granted, we don't always talk, sometimes we just sit in companionable silence, and there are days when we can't sit next to each other so conversation isn't possible, but it's nice to have the option, to know that I could talk to him if I needed to. Sometimes it really doesn't matter if you talk about important things, or even at all. It's having the ability to talk, having a chance to talk with each other that makes a difference. Because cutting out time in your day so that you can actually talk with the people you care about is important. 

Here's the photo from today and it's caption:

Weird conversations with my best friend make me happy. #becauseimhappy #itsgonabeagoodday #bff#loveit
I cannot tell you how many weird conversations I have had with my friends. They range anywhere from our favorite geekdoms to things happening in our every day lives, to random thoughts we have that just NEED to be shared. I've even had a religious conversation about fangirl feels (don't ask).

Like I said before, it doesn't matter what you talk about, or if you talk about. It's being able to talk and to spend time with the other person. It's giving your time and getting time from them, no matter how odd or unorthodox it may seem

I hope you are all doing well, and that you are having a very happy day!

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