Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Tender Mercy Tuesday (Yes, I know it's Wednesday)

I had every intention of posting yesterday for Tender Mercy Tuesday and I totally forgot. I know I posted for Project #becauseimhappy, but that doesn't count. I had considered skipping it, since it is now Wednesday and therefore "too late" for a Tuesday post. However, I decided that was not a reasonable excuse. Whether we recognize the Tender Mercies in our lives when they happen, or a day late, as long as we recognize them, it's all that matters.

This week's tender mercy happened last Friday, October 31. I was at work, waiting for L, one of the boys in my two year old class, to be picked up. Friday was L's last day in my class, as he is now three and has moved up to the older class.

Earlier that day, L was having a hard time with helping to clean up. So I asked him if he was going to be a Bumblebee (which is what we call the three's class) on Monday. After he answered in the affirmative, I then asked him to show me how a big Bumblebee would clean up. He hesitated for only a moment, but was quick to help after that. I was very proud of him.

It wasn't until later that I realized L had been sad when I asked if he would be a Bumblebee. Until last week, it was all talk. "Oh L, you're going to be a Bumblebee soon", "L, you are getting so big! Are you excited to be a Bumblebee soon?" It wasn't until Friday that an actual limit was placed on his time as a Ladybug. Knowing that it wasn't just talk, that it was actually going to happen, he seemed more hesitant about the idea.

Before L's mom picked him up, I was sitting with him on the ground outside. He looked at me and said, "Miss. Stephanie?"

Now, you have to understand, my Ladybug's don't always address me by my name. It's usually "teacher" or, for those who haven't learned the difference, "mama". So having L use my name caught my attention.

"Yes, L?" I replied.

"I love you."

It was a simple phrase, and one that he had said to me before, but this time it was different. It was as if he knew what was coming and wanted to give a "final testimonial" to me. I was really touched.

"Aw, I love you too, L."

And that was it. No further conversation, we just sat together quietly, enjoying the nice fall weather.

I am so grateful for my job. For all of the stress and the hard times, it has truly been a blessing in my life, and a sweet reminder of how much our Heavenly Father loves all of His children. Learning to care for an love kids that I have not had the privilege of bringing into this world myself, I can't imagine Heavenly Father not loving us, his very own.

Have an awesome week everyone!

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