Friday, September 2, 2011

Graveyard Gallivanting

NOTE: This Post is also available on our apartment blog, so it's okay if you've already read it. :P

Kayla, Connie, and I went gallivanting in the old Ephraim cemetery last night. Little creepy, and in hind sight, probably really stupid, but it was an adventure that we can talk about. :P

As we walked through it, we stayed close to each other (some of us grabbing onto the arm of the person next to us) and we stayed on the road.

I have never walked through a graveyard at night. I have driven through one, but never actually gotten out of the car, so this was a new experience for me. I was okay for the first part--just kept the thought of how creepy it really was in the back of my mind--but then we turned down one of the roads so that we could circle around back to the gate where we left the car. The headstones were much closer to the road this time and out of the corner of my eye the tall ones did come across momentarily as people. *shiver* I just kept talking, doing everything in my power NOT to think about it all.

We turned down the road that would take us back towards the gate and Connie flashed her light up into one of the trees. When she did there was a rustling sound in the boughs and it made us jump a little. Apparently Connie disturbed some poor sleeping bird with her flashlight. At least, that's what we're telling ourselves...

The thing that scared us the most however, is that shortly after the tree incident there was a car driving down the main road. We turned off our lights and prayed that whoever it was didn't stop at the cemetery. See, the gate was officially locked, but there is this gap between the gate and the fence that is big enough for people to go through. So, we were terrified that we would get into trouble for being in the cemetery when we shouldn't have.

Can you believe that? It wasn't being in the cemetery at night, the old headstones protruding from the ground, or even the "bird" in the tree that frightened us. It was the thought of getting into trouble that scared us. Ha! Can you tell we're not troublemakers normally?

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