Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sollitary Post




to hold it up

looking 'round

at other posts

reaching to support them

nothing to hold it

or at least

that's how it seems.

sinking, disappearing

like quicksand

no helpful line

to pull

itself out

desperate for

a lifeline

none in sight

it seems.

wanting to cry

out but finding

it hard to


it knows the


posts stand

ready to assist

it just has

to ask

but it is

afraid to

say what it thinks


afraid to show

the weakening knots

in its

fine grains.

afraid that the others

will not understand

or will think

less of


trying to be strong

for the posts

that need it

but not


if the others

feel the same way

about it.

why would they

if they did?

what is so


about this


if there is anything

really truly

unique and

extraordinary about

this sad post

why is it then

that the posts

around it

don't see fit to

let the post know?

are they afraid

of something

do they not

know how to

say what they


while they try

to decide what

to say and how

the poor post stands

feeling rather


Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Ok, so I have had two dreams in the past week that involved some kind of a natural disaster. The dream I had Sunday night was quite interesting.

I was at my house in Salt Lake and there was something bad about to happen, like, apocalyptic bad or something. There was this teenage boy who had to survive it (don't know why). It was my job to escort him to a safe location but doing so would mean I'd have to leave behind the guy I liked.

I thought about everything and came to a decision. When I came into the living room I was supposed to say goodbye to the guy, but instead I walked over to the boy and hugged him. He looked at me in confusion and I assured him that the other person that was going to go with us was just as capable of keeping him safe. He nodded and then left to get into the helicopter we had waiting for him.

Once he was gone I turned back to the guy. Now he was the one confused. I told him I wasn't leaving without him.

I discovered that there was a bomb in the house. In fact, it was in the living room sitting on the couch that was right next to us. I looked at it and there were just seconds left on the timer. I threw my arms around the guy, tears in my eyes, and he put his arms around me.

Normally in dreams when I am about to die I either wake up or the scene changes, which is what I was expecting to happen. However, I saw the timer come to zero, heard the explosion, and then everything went white.

Seriously? I'm dead? I wondered. That's so weird...

I began to open my eyes and look around me. Apparently, I hadn't died. Don't know how it happened, I mean, I was standing between the guy and the bomb, I should have been dead, but I was alive. I saw the guy sitting next to me looking really worried. He noticed that I was awake and he asked if I was okay.

"I hurt," I told him (of course I was hurting, I just got exploded practically!).

"We'll get you to a hospital," he said. That's when my dad, brother, and little sister showed up. The guy helped me get into their car and then let them take me to the hospital.

Now, after the whole explosion and everything going white, and earthquake had hit the city. Not so convenient, since it messed up all the roads and made it hard to find a nice smooth path to the hospital. As we drove through the city there were no people around. It was strange and a bit creepy.

We drove under a freeway over pass that had a chunk broken off of it. The large mass of cement and re bar had landed in a house conveniently located right next to the freeway. We drove past it and saw another house that was relatively in tact. Out in front of the house there was a little toddler, somewhere between 2 and 4 years old, wandering around. It was crying and looking for its mother.

I wanted to help the kid but I was hurt. I tried to get the other people in the car with me to turn it around so we could go back and help but either I was speaking and they couldn't hear me or I wasn't thinking and thought that I was.

That's when I woke up.

I've had some pretty interesting dreams in the past, I've even had a dream repeat itself, but this is...well, weird. I have never had similar dreams within a week of each other and not ones that were that closely related. My repeat dreams had a year or so between them.

It's weird.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Dreeeeeam Dream Dream Dreeeam

After staying up until 3 or 4 in the morning, 3 nights in a row this past week, I finally got to bed at a reasonable hour last night. Unfortunately the sleep I received was not adequate enough to give my body the proper rest it needs to function fully. So I took a nap this afternoon.

This is what I dreamed...

I was driving to Salt Lake for Fall Break. My roommate Kayla and I stopped off in Provo because my car was in need of gas. Somebody, not sure who, was a smarty and put the gas in the wrong place (in the car I mean--they put it in something under the hood, not sure what it was but that doesn't matter; it was the wrong place). I realized what had happened and started to freak internally. I tried to turn on my car but it wouldn't start.

Crap, crap, crap! I thought to myself. I ruined my car!

After some time the car started. I breathed a sigh of relief, though I was not fully convinced that the vehicle would function alright. I decided that if we kept the car on then maybe we would be okay.

Now, where we had gone to fill up was actually at a McDonald's (apparently selling hamburgers wasn't bringing in enough revenue so they decided to invest in their own gas pumps). Kayla and my little sister (NO idea where she came from, she just popped up out of nowhere like she'd been there the whole time) went into the McDonald's to get some food. Once I got the car to start I decided that I wanted to join them. After all, I was pretty hungry myself. I went to the establishment and found that the line for ordering food snaked all the way out into the parking lot. Craaaaazy.

Anywho, so I decided to find somewhere else to eat, since the line was so long. I realized that there still wasn't gas in my car (at least none that I could actually use) so I tried to find another gas station. I was able to find a Chevron across the street and once I had filled up and was ready to go some guy, about thirty years old, came over and started talking to me. I had no idea who he was and he seemed to think we knew each other.

It only took me a moment to realize he was drunk, or at least hugging the line between "buzzed" and "drunk". There was a concert in Provo that night and he thought I was one of his concert buddies or something. I just smiled and tried to tell him as politely as possible that I didn't know who he was.

There was a lot of traffic, and sensing that he really had no clue what he was doing, I thought I should help him get somewhere safer than the side of a busy road. I rolled down my window some and asked him what his name was.

"Zane," he told me. Apparently he was some kind of celebrity, I think he said he was some popular politician, but I dunno for sure. Anyways, he tried to explain who he was and how it was that he was famous but I kept telling him that I had no clue who he was and that I'd never heard of him.

"Really?" he asked. "Huh." He then proceeded to tell me about how he grew up in the LDS Church but that he'd been inactive for years. I think he assumed that since I was in Provo, I was LDS, which was a correct assumption, but the topic of religion hadn't even come up until he said something.

At that moment a group of girls spotted us. Apparently they knew who he was because they started screaming his name and came running at him. The poor man was practically trampled by this band of screaming fan girls.

Seeing that he was in need of an escape, I unlocked my back door and said, "Get in the car!"

Most of the girls started to dissipate but I suspect they were going off to collect more people with which to maul the poor guy, so I told him again to get in the car.

"I don't think I can move," he groaned.

He looked quite pathetic, lying on the ground like some teenage boy who got tackled by a guy twice his size, but my heart went out to him. He was also kind of cute. I was able to get him into the car and we prepared to take him to a safer location.

Then I woke up. Not sure how it would have ended, but it was rather interesting. :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011


WARNING This post may not be suitable for children. You have been warned.

Okay, so years ago while at work one of my co-workers brought an energy drink with her. We were examining the contents of said drink and one ingredient in particular stood out among the rest.

The ingredient was Horny Goat Weed.

I have always wondered exactly what the heck this ingredient was, what use it has, and where it got it's name. So tonight my roommates and I did some research. This is what we found.

The proper name for Horny Goat Weed is Epimedium. It is also known as Barrenwort, Fairy Wings, Bishop's Hat, and Rowdy Lamb Herb. It is an aphrodisiac that was, according to legend, discovered by a Chinese man who "noticed sexual activity in his flock after they ate the weed".

Don't ask me why I felt the need to post this. I really have no clue.

Some energy drinks that have this ingredient:
And something called Energy Drink Love Potion, or something like that.

For further information click the link below.

Monday, October 10, 2011

And We're Dreaming Once More

I had another cool dream last night. It wasn't as trippy as the last one I posted, but I still really, REALLY liked this one!

In the dream I was an assistant to a man who ran his own business from his home. He was some kind of rich inventor. His house was huge and he had all sorts of different people--business associates, employees, and household staff--running around all over the place downstairs. His office was located upstairs, so as to avoid any distractions from the people downstairs.

I had a stack of files that needed to be sorted through and since it was rather hectic on the main floor I took my work upstairs in an attempt to find enough peace and quiet to get the job done. When I got upstairs the housekeeper, an older woman, was putting laundry away. She saw me and, with a stern look on her face, said, "Don't disturb him! He's working!"

From where I stood I could see right into my boss' office. He was indeed working, frantically it seemed.

"I'm not going to disturb him," I told her in as calm a voice as I could muster, though it was difficult because her constant nagging about it was becoming annoying. "These files need to get done, with or without his help, and if I'm going to do it I need somewhere quieter than the zoo downstairs."

She simply huffed and went off about young people having no respect or something like that. I stood there rolling my eyes and waiting patiently for her monologue to finish. I noticed that my boss had stopped what he was doing. I looked over at him and saw that he was staring at me, intrigued. I quickly looked away, avoiding eye contact. However, I couldn't keep my eyes averted for long. When I looked back at him he smiled and then started making faces at me.

I laughed which earned me a stern look from the housekeeper which said "What did I tell you about disturbing him!?"

In my defense I replied, "Don't worry, he's still working. I just had a funny thought is all. I'm sorry."

She glared at me and then continued her work. The butler, who had arrived sometime during these events and was now standing behind the housekeeper, waved to get my attention. As I watched him he tried to sign something to me. I looked at him confused and shook my head, indicating that I had no idea what he was saying. The housekeeper saw my movement and looked at me. I smiled sweetly at her and she returned to her task. This time the butler's actions were more clear. He wanted me to take the back stairs down to the main floor and then come back up the front stairs. Why I was to do this was beyond me, but I did as I was told.

Once downstairs I heard the butler telling the housekeeper she was needed downstairs. Realizing that whatever the reason for my returning to the second floor was, the housekeeper was not to know about it. I began creeping up the front stairs when she came into the room. She flashed me an accusing look. I lied, telling her that I had left something upstairs. She just "humphed" and walked away.

I came back to the room where the butler was and asked what was going on. He then pointed and I turned to see my boss standing in the doorway of his office, leaning against the frame. The butler smiled, gave a nod to his employer and then left. I was more confused than before.

"I wanted to talk to you without getting a lecture from Mrs.________ (don't know what her name was)," my boss explained. I nodded in understanding, wondering what in the world he wanted to talk to me about.

At first the conversation had been filled with just some small talk; "How are you?" "Are you enjoying the work?" things like that. And then he shifted a little, almost nervously, and said, "I have two tickets for the opera tonight." I stared at him, uncertain of what he was getting at. "Do you like the opera?"

"I've never really been to one, but I do enjoy music and the theater," I told him.

"Would you like to go with me?"

I was shocked, to say the least. My boss, who was a bit older and by no means unattractive, was asking me to accompany him to the opera, was asking me on a date.

"Sure," I said, surprised that I was able to speak at all.

"Alright then, the show starts at 7, we'll leave at 6."

I left the room still trying to wrap my head around the whole thing.

Later, I'm not sure if it was before or after the opera, though I am inclined to think it was before, I went back to his office to ask him something and found the door slightly ajar and two people talking inside. I didn't want to eavesdrop but I didn't want to interrupt either, so I stood outside the door and only half listened until I discovered they were talking about me. I listened closer.

"His name is Scott Taber," the butler was telling my boss, "and it would seem he has been keeping tabs on your assistant."

"'Keeping tabs'?" my boss asked. "What do you mean?"

"We're pretty sure he's been stalking her."

I was stunned. I recognized who they were talking about, but I had never even realized I was being followed around by the guy!

"Keep an eye on him," my boss said. There was a hint of worry in his voice, and something else. Like he was being protective of me, but not in that "You're my friend and I am concerned for your well being" kind of way. It was more than that.

And thus ends the dream. *sigh* Why can't dreams ever work themselves out before you wake up??? So aggravating...