Sunday, October 16, 2011

Dreeeeeam Dream Dream Dreeeam

After staying up until 3 or 4 in the morning, 3 nights in a row this past week, I finally got to bed at a reasonable hour last night. Unfortunately the sleep I received was not adequate enough to give my body the proper rest it needs to function fully. So I took a nap this afternoon.

This is what I dreamed...

I was driving to Salt Lake for Fall Break. My roommate Kayla and I stopped off in Provo because my car was in need of gas. Somebody, not sure who, was a smarty and put the gas in the wrong place (in the car I mean--they put it in something under the hood, not sure what it was but that doesn't matter; it was the wrong place). I realized what had happened and started to freak internally. I tried to turn on my car but it wouldn't start.

Crap, crap, crap! I thought to myself. I ruined my car!

After some time the car started. I breathed a sigh of relief, though I was not fully convinced that the vehicle would function alright. I decided that if we kept the car on then maybe we would be okay.

Now, where we had gone to fill up was actually at a McDonald's (apparently selling hamburgers wasn't bringing in enough revenue so they decided to invest in their own gas pumps). Kayla and my little sister (NO idea where she came from, she just popped up out of nowhere like she'd been there the whole time) went into the McDonald's to get some food. Once I got the car to start I decided that I wanted to join them. After all, I was pretty hungry myself. I went to the establishment and found that the line for ordering food snaked all the way out into the parking lot. Craaaaazy.

Anywho, so I decided to find somewhere else to eat, since the line was so long. I realized that there still wasn't gas in my car (at least none that I could actually use) so I tried to find another gas station. I was able to find a Chevron across the street and once I had filled up and was ready to go some guy, about thirty years old, came over and started talking to me. I had no idea who he was and he seemed to think we knew each other.

It only took me a moment to realize he was drunk, or at least hugging the line between "buzzed" and "drunk". There was a concert in Provo that night and he thought I was one of his concert buddies or something. I just smiled and tried to tell him as politely as possible that I didn't know who he was.

There was a lot of traffic, and sensing that he really had no clue what he was doing, I thought I should help him get somewhere safer than the side of a busy road. I rolled down my window some and asked him what his name was.

"Zane," he told me. Apparently he was some kind of celebrity, I think he said he was some popular politician, but I dunno for sure. Anyways, he tried to explain who he was and how it was that he was famous but I kept telling him that I had no clue who he was and that I'd never heard of him.

"Really?" he asked. "Huh." He then proceeded to tell me about how he grew up in the LDS Church but that he'd been inactive for years. I think he assumed that since I was in Provo, I was LDS, which was a correct assumption, but the topic of religion hadn't even come up until he said something.

At that moment a group of girls spotted us. Apparently they knew who he was because they started screaming his name and came running at him. The poor man was practically trampled by this band of screaming fan girls.

Seeing that he was in need of an escape, I unlocked my back door and said, "Get in the car!"

Most of the girls started to dissipate but I suspect they were going off to collect more people with which to maul the poor guy, so I told him again to get in the car.

"I don't think I can move," he groaned.

He looked quite pathetic, lying on the ground like some teenage boy who got tackled by a guy twice his size, but my heart went out to him. He was also kind of cute. I was able to get him into the car and we prepared to take him to a safer location.

Then I woke up. Not sure how it would have ended, but it was rather interesting. :)

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