Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Ok, so I have had two dreams in the past week that involved some kind of a natural disaster. The dream I had Sunday night was quite interesting.

I was at my house in Salt Lake and there was something bad about to happen, like, apocalyptic bad or something. There was this teenage boy who had to survive it (don't know why). It was my job to escort him to a safe location but doing so would mean I'd have to leave behind the guy I liked.

I thought about everything and came to a decision. When I came into the living room I was supposed to say goodbye to the guy, but instead I walked over to the boy and hugged him. He looked at me in confusion and I assured him that the other person that was going to go with us was just as capable of keeping him safe. He nodded and then left to get into the helicopter we had waiting for him.

Once he was gone I turned back to the guy. Now he was the one confused. I told him I wasn't leaving without him.

I discovered that there was a bomb in the house. In fact, it was in the living room sitting on the couch that was right next to us. I looked at it and there were just seconds left on the timer. I threw my arms around the guy, tears in my eyes, and he put his arms around me.

Normally in dreams when I am about to die I either wake up or the scene changes, which is what I was expecting to happen. However, I saw the timer come to zero, heard the explosion, and then everything went white.

Seriously? I'm dead? I wondered. That's so weird...

I began to open my eyes and look around me. Apparently, I hadn't died. Don't know how it happened, I mean, I was standing between the guy and the bomb, I should have been dead, but I was alive. I saw the guy sitting next to me looking really worried. He noticed that I was awake and he asked if I was okay.

"I hurt," I told him (of course I was hurting, I just got exploded practically!).

"We'll get you to a hospital," he said. That's when my dad, brother, and little sister showed up. The guy helped me get into their car and then let them take me to the hospital.

Now, after the whole explosion and everything going white, and earthquake had hit the city. Not so convenient, since it messed up all the roads and made it hard to find a nice smooth path to the hospital. As we drove through the city there were no people around. It was strange and a bit creepy.

We drove under a freeway over pass that had a chunk broken off of it. The large mass of cement and re bar had landed in a house conveniently located right next to the freeway. We drove past it and saw another house that was relatively in tact. Out in front of the house there was a little toddler, somewhere between 2 and 4 years old, wandering around. It was crying and looking for its mother.

I wanted to help the kid but I was hurt. I tried to get the other people in the car with me to turn it around so we could go back and help but either I was speaking and they couldn't hear me or I wasn't thinking and thought that I was.

That's when I woke up.

I've had some pretty interesting dreams in the past, I've even had a dream repeat itself, but this is...well, weird. I have never had similar dreams within a week of each other and not ones that were that closely related. My repeat dreams had a year or so between them.

It's weird.

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