Monday, October 10, 2011

And We're Dreaming Once More

I had another cool dream last night. It wasn't as trippy as the last one I posted, but I still really, REALLY liked this one!

In the dream I was an assistant to a man who ran his own business from his home. He was some kind of rich inventor. His house was huge and he had all sorts of different people--business associates, employees, and household staff--running around all over the place downstairs. His office was located upstairs, so as to avoid any distractions from the people downstairs.

I had a stack of files that needed to be sorted through and since it was rather hectic on the main floor I took my work upstairs in an attempt to find enough peace and quiet to get the job done. When I got upstairs the housekeeper, an older woman, was putting laundry away. She saw me and, with a stern look on her face, said, "Don't disturb him! He's working!"

From where I stood I could see right into my boss' office. He was indeed working, frantically it seemed.

"I'm not going to disturb him," I told her in as calm a voice as I could muster, though it was difficult because her constant nagging about it was becoming annoying. "These files need to get done, with or without his help, and if I'm going to do it I need somewhere quieter than the zoo downstairs."

She simply huffed and went off about young people having no respect or something like that. I stood there rolling my eyes and waiting patiently for her monologue to finish. I noticed that my boss had stopped what he was doing. I looked over at him and saw that he was staring at me, intrigued. I quickly looked away, avoiding eye contact. However, I couldn't keep my eyes averted for long. When I looked back at him he smiled and then started making faces at me.

I laughed which earned me a stern look from the housekeeper which said "What did I tell you about disturbing him!?"

In my defense I replied, "Don't worry, he's still working. I just had a funny thought is all. I'm sorry."

She glared at me and then continued her work. The butler, who had arrived sometime during these events and was now standing behind the housekeeper, waved to get my attention. As I watched him he tried to sign something to me. I looked at him confused and shook my head, indicating that I had no idea what he was saying. The housekeeper saw my movement and looked at me. I smiled sweetly at her and she returned to her task. This time the butler's actions were more clear. He wanted me to take the back stairs down to the main floor and then come back up the front stairs. Why I was to do this was beyond me, but I did as I was told.

Once downstairs I heard the butler telling the housekeeper she was needed downstairs. Realizing that whatever the reason for my returning to the second floor was, the housekeeper was not to know about it. I began creeping up the front stairs when she came into the room. She flashed me an accusing look. I lied, telling her that I had left something upstairs. She just "humphed" and walked away.

I came back to the room where the butler was and asked what was going on. He then pointed and I turned to see my boss standing in the doorway of his office, leaning against the frame. The butler smiled, gave a nod to his employer and then left. I was more confused than before.

"I wanted to talk to you without getting a lecture from Mrs.________ (don't know what her name was)," my boss explained. I nodded in understanding, wondering what in the world he wanted to talk to me about.

At first the conversation had been filled with just some small talk; "How are you?" "Are you enjoying the work?" things like that. And then he shifted a little, almost nervously, and said, "I have two tickets for the opera tonight." I stared at him, uncertain of what he was getting at. "Do you like the opera?"

"I've never really been to one, but I do enjoy music and the theater," I told him.

"Would you like to go with me?"

I was shocked, to say the least. My boss, who was a bit older and by no means unattractive, was asking me to accompany him to the opera, was asking me on a date.

"Sure," I said, surprised that I was able to speak at all.

"Alright then, the show starts at 7, we'll leave at 6."

I left the room still trying to wrap my head around the whole thing.

Later, I'm not sure if it was before or after the opera, though I am inclined to think it was before, I went back to his office to ask him something and found the door slightly ajar and two people talking inside. I didn't want to eavesdrop but I didn't want to interrupt either, so I stood outside the door and only half listened until I discovered they were talking about me. I listened closer.

"His name is Scott Taber," the butler was telling my boss, "and it would seem he has been keeping tabs on your assistant."

"'Keeping tabs'?" my boss asked. "What do you mean?"

"We're pretty sure he's been stalking her."

I was stunned. I recognized who they were talking about, but I had never even realized I was being followed around by the guy!

"Keep an eye on him," my boss said. There was a hint of worry in his voice, and something else. Like he was being protective of me, but not in that "You're my friend and I am concerned for your well being" kind of way. It was more than that.

And thus ends the dream. *sigh* Why can't dreams ever work themselves out before you wake up??? So aggravating...

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