Sunday, November 20, 2011

I Am Beautiful

I may not be America's Next Top Model
But I am Beautiful
I may not be the next Paris Hilton or Julia Roberts
But I am Beautiful
I may not wear designer jeans or the most expensive shoes
But I am Beautiful
I may not do my makeup everyday
But I am Beautiful

I am Beautiful
Because I am me
I have a body
A wonder of a machine
Each finger and toe
Each freckle on my face
Each laugh line each flaw
Only add to the beauty

I am Beautiful
Because I am me
God doesn't make
Anything ugly
So look at the rose
Admire the sky above
And think of the one
Who created it all

He created you too
And you're just as magnificent
You're just as wonderful
You're just as beautiful
So if you never become famous
If you never travel the world
It doesn't make you anything less
You are Beautiful

Because you are His

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