Friday, June 10, 2016

52 Books in 2016

Back in January I made a resolution that I would read 52 books this year.  The past two years I haven't read as many books as I would like, and I have an extremely long list of books that I would like to read.  Hence, the reason for my 52 Books in 2016 goal.

As of last week, I have read a grand total of 5 books (Karneval Omnibus: Volumes 1 - 4 by Touya Mikanagi, and The Beautiful Pretender by Melanie Dickerson), and I am reading book number 6 right now (The Huntress of Thornbeck Forest by Melanie Dickerson). Almost halfway done with the year and that's where I'm at. *eye roll* Whatever, I am still determined to succeed! If I finish at least 2 books a week until the end of the year then I will make it.  I just have to keep pushing forward!

In light of this resolution, I have decided to write reviews of the books that I read.  This will help me to not only keep track of what I've read, but hopefully remind me to keep reading! Ha, ha, ha.

I will be posting my reviews for the books I've read so far later today.  And next week you should, hopefully, be seeing two more reviews!

Have an awesome day everyone!

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