Friday, June 10, 2016

52 Books to Review #1: Karneval by Touya Mikanagi

To start of my "52 Books in 2016" book reviews, let's take a look at Karneval by Touya Mikanagi.  I read 4 volumes of this enchanting manga, but I am going to just give a review of all of it so far.

Summary (as found on Goodreads)

Nai--a young man who travels in search of another by the name of Karoku, a lone bracelet his only lead. Gareki--a willful young man who earns his daily bread by thieving and picking pockets. Thrown together at an eerie mansion, where they are entrapped and framed, Nai and Gareki are soon hunted down as criminals by national security forces. As they are driven into a corner, before them appears the most powerful defense agency in the country, "Circus"--!!

To be honest, the biggest reason that I got into this manga is because I saw the anime and wanted to know what happens after the anime ends (and the only reason I got into the anime is because I saw a preview for it while watching another anime).  But, I am so glad that I picked it up.

The story moves at a good pace, not so slow that you get bored, and not so fast that you can't keep up.  Granted, there are times when things get a big confusing, and you have to stop and think about what you just read, but a lot of the confusion comes from simply not knowing the whole plot line (which is fine since it is slowly being revealed bit by bit). 

This is a fantasy story, so if you're not into fantasy/action manga you can probably sit this one out.  Some of the more fantastic elements of the story are firstly, the protagonists are an organization that has engineered a drug that will genetically alter a person's physical form and, to an extent, their personalities as well.  These "demons" are called varugas.  Circus Airships 1 and 2 are tasked with tracking down varugas and eliminating them.  They are able to do this using magic.

I love the diversity of the characters, and the fact that they aren't cookie cutter, stereotypical people.  The character of Nai is particularly interesting.  Not just because of his origins (I won't spoil it for you), but also because of how his origins effect everything that he does.  I enjoy his childlike personality, and the fact that in spite of it, he is still incredibly intuitive and actually wise at times.

I feel like there is more to be learned about Gareki.  He seems, initially, to be a fairly cut and dry character, and a little bit predictive.  But as you continue going with him on his journey, you start to see that deep down, there is so much more of him to be offered, and I can't wait to see what is in store for him.

Characters of Circus Airship 2

I have to admit, as I read the manga (and watched the anime), I couldn't help comparing the characters of Yogi and Captain Hirato to Tamaki Suoh and Kyouya Ootori from Ouran High School Host Club.  Not only are their appearances similar, but some of their mannerisms as well.  Hirato is cool, collected, and a bit calculating (Kyouya), while Yogi is free spirited, generally happy, and sometimes a bit immature (Tamaki).  However, both of these characters have sides to them that would seem contrary to their usual demeanor.

Tsukumo is another of Airship 2's crew members.  She seems at first to be unemotional and focused solely on her job.  She comes off as being older than she really is, which I think adds to her seeming indifference to certain things.  However, there are moments when it is obvious she has been effected in an emotional way by something that is happening.  I hope to see more of her back story as I get the opportunity to read more.

I highly recommend this series to anyone who is a fantasy manga fan.  If  you're not sure, at least check out the anime and decide for yourself! 

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