Tuesday, June 14, 2016

I Feel I Need to Say Something...

In light of the recent events that have taken place, I feel like I need to say something.

It breaks my heart that people would be so diluted by hatred that they would knowingly walk into any place and just start shooting whoever was there.  I don't care who you are, what your beliefs are or aren't, it isn't right.  It isn't right that this person took these people's lives.  It isn't right that there are mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, friends, and other loved ones of those killed or injured who have to find some way to cope with all of this.

All day yesterday the song Treasure by Jamesthemormon was stuck in my head.  If you haven't heard it or seen the music video, click here to check it out on YouTube.  I hope and pray that in spite of this tragedy, we as a nation can stand up with those who have been effected, whether directly or indirectly, and show our love and support.

I have something to ask of you, my readers.  Please don't spread the hatred.  Don't spread the hate for the shooter, or for anyone else involved in this act.  If we allow ourselves to hate, even if our hatred seems justified, we are no better than the ones responsible.

Spread love, everyone.  Do what you can to show your support and offer help for those in need during this time.  If you can't help them, for whatever reason, then please help someone else.  Do service for someone, anyone.  There's enough bad karma in the world.  Let's start spreading the good.

I want to say that I am so grateful for my family and friends who are always there for me, who love me and support me no matter how much I may screw up.  I love you all so much.

As for you, readers, I love you too.  I know there are some of you that I don't personally know, but that doesn't change the fact that I love you all very much.  I mentioned in a previous post that loving someone is to want good for them, and I want good for all of you.  Truly, I do.

Stay safe everyone.  Keep holding on to your hope and love.  Don't let fear, ignorance, and contempt take away from the beautiful life that you have been given.  Yes, it is beautiful.  Maybe things are hard now, and maybe you feel like your life isn't worth much to you or to others, but I can tell you that's not true.  You are amazing, remarkable.  Your very existence is miraculous.  Don't let the negativity around you determine your joy.  You are stronger than that.  You are MORE than that.

I love you all.  Stay strong.  Shake it off, and FIGHT ON!

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