Sunday, September 18, 2011


Wow! Can I just say that I love God? He has got to be the coolest man alive, no joke. I am so grateful to him for the many blessings he has given me, and I want everyone to know it!

He blessed me with an amazing family. I have 6 brothers who would do anything to keep me safe, 9 gorgeous sisters who I can turn to for anything, 4 beautiful nieces and 4 incredible nephews who are just so darn adorable, and who bring me joy every time I see them! I have a mom who, while she isn't here anymore, loves me more than anything and has taught me so many things and been a powerful influence in my life. I have a loving father who cares about me, and who has shown me so much love in my life that I can't not be grateful for him. I also have a step-mother who has made such a difference and brought so much joy into my family since my mom's passing that I can't help but love her also.

I have amazing friends, many of which are brothers and sisters to me also. They have helped me through so many trials, loved me in spite of my many faults, and I am so, so, SO grateful for them.

I am grateful for the blessing of living in this country, and the opportunity that blessing provides me for schooling. I am so grateful for my professors and the things that they teach me each time I step into their classroom. I am grateful for past teachers as well, both in the classroom and outside of it.

Most importantly, I am grateful for the Gospel. What an incredible gift it is! I am so thankful that my Heavenly Father loves me, loves all of us so much that he has provided a way for us to be close to him, to learn the things we need to learn to be happy. I am grateful for him.

I am grateful for my Savior. I am grateful that he loves me so much that he was willing to give his own life, to suffer so much, just so I can partake of the joys of salvation, and the peace that it brings.

I am grateful that we are put in situations that help us grow, and that allow us to help others grow.

Today is a good day, and I want the world to know it!

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