Monday, September 26, 2011


As a general rule, I like people. I do my best not to be judgmental, especially of them that I haven't officially met, try to be the bigger person in a situation that is less than pleasant, but sometimes people really just irk me.

My roommates and I decided that we want to do date nights at least once a month in an attempt to broaden our horizons in the dating world. With our first official date night coming up some of us have selected the guys we would like to go with.

Well, tonight myself and another of my roommates intended to ask our desired dates while attending a social event, since both of them would be present. Much to our dismay, the guys we selected seemed to constantly be in the presence of other girls and to be honest, I think it's weird to ask a guy out while he is with a girl (or several) that is not related to him and may potentially like him. So, we chose to wait until after the social and visit them at their apartments.

Just as we were getting ready to leave my date choice wandered away from the girls to get a drink. He paused at the coolers and I realized this was my chance to ask him. I told my roommates it was time to go, all the while watching to make sure that he didn't wander back to the group. He didn't and so I went to spark up a conversation with him.

When I reached him he was talking to some other guys. It's not as weird to ask a guy out while he's with one or two other guys instead of girls, but it's still weird. There came a pause in the conversation (by this time it was just date choice and one other guy) so I started out by asking how he was doing. The other guy left to go do other things and I continued to swap small talk with the guy of my choice. I asked how school was, the classes he was taking, and eventually I asked what his major was.

By this point the girl that had been sitting next to him at the table (who by the way didn't seem to think it necessary for her to walk up and join him again until after I had his attention) was standing by us, though she was turned a different direction. I saw her out of the corner of my eye and I hoped that she would either walk away or at least keep her attention elsewhere so I could ask him.

After learning what his major was he asked me if I knew what I was going into. I told him Theater and he replied, "Really? Are you in the show?"

"Not this one," I told him.

Other girl, who now was fully facing us, said, "Oh darn." She had a smile on her face and to a passerby it would appear as if she were being nice, but there was an underlying tone to it that at this moment I can't quite put my finger on it, but it definitely wasn't positive.

I tried to continue the conversation but by this point I was irritated and feeling rather insignificant and inferior to this other girl. So I cut the conversation short and told him I would see him later. As I turned to walk away, not even a full second after he said "Bye" the other girl picked up a conversation with him.

I am not going to lie, it hurt, and it really ticked me off to no end. I really wanted to smack her.

I know that I shouldn't let it get to me, and I should try to give her the benefit of the doubt since I don't know her (heck, I don't even know her name) but it's really hard. Ugh...girls just really tick me off sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. Update on the situation: Later I went to the guy's apartment and asked him. He said yes. :) If he had said no I probably would have gone home and cried, but instead I am in a great mood. :P
