Monday, September 26, 2011


As a result of staying up late last night watching USA's NCIS Cyber Crimes Marathon, this afternoon I found myself rather exhausted. To remedy this I decided to take a nap and holy wow, I had an interesting dream.

The dream started out pretty normal; I was in college, attending classes and hanging out with friends. Then one day I woke up and went to my classes but there was something wrong. I couldn't find any of my friends and while the set up of the school was the same it was different. The lighting was different, the fliers and things on the walls were different, even the people were different. I even tried asking a girl where my first class (some kind of a psychology class) was. She looked at me like I was crazy.

When I reached the classroom I found one of my professors there teaching a class. She looked older and there was something wrong. I tried to find someone that I could talk to and discovered that my friend Ben was there. He too looked older, and he didn't recognize me. Because I wasn't sure what was going on I didn't tell him who I was.

I soon discovered that I had been sent 10 years and 1 week into the future from the last day that I could remember. I was so confused. I had no idea how it happened or why, I didn't know what had happened to all of my friends, and most importantly I had no clue how what to do about it. I decided that I needed help, but the only way for me to do that would be to tell someone what was going on.

I decided to confide in Ben, since he was the only member of my group of friends remaining there. I didn't want to just spring it on him though. I mean, come one, what would I say? "Hi, I'm Stephanie Featherstone and I'm from the past." Not a good idea. So I figured that if I gave him hints about what was wrong and let him figure it all out himself it wouldn't be as freaky. However he couldn't figure it out, even with all of the clues that I was trying to give him. Finally, I looked at him and asked, "What's the date?"

"April 14, 20..." (my mind seemed to think the actual year was irrelevant)

"So then yesterday was...?"

"April 13, 20..."

I paused and then told him that for me, yesterday was April 6, 20...

He stared at me. I quickly began telling him that I realized it was nuts and that I wouldn't blame him if he thought I was crazy, but I was telling the truth.

"Yeah," he said. "It is crazy, but for some reason I believe you."

He agreed to help me get the answers I needed. As we searched for my friends and what had taken place in the past ten years one of the girls helping us came over and had a strange look on her face.

"You said the last day you remember was April 6, 20...?" she asked me.

"Yeah," I told her. "Why?"

She handed me some research she'd found. "Because," she said, "According to this, you died the next day."

The research she found said that a man had broken into my house that day and apparently, somehow, I was killed.

What the...!?!?

That's when I woke up. I didn't even get a chance to figure out what the crap happened! Gah!

While I would have LOVED to finish the dream, and I am frustrated I didn't get to, at least I have another idea for a story. :P

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